17.7 Utils

Package Cheetah.Utils contains non-Cheetah-specific functions and classes that are imported by other Cheetah components. Many of these utils can be used standalone in other applications too.

Current Utils include:

Cheetah.Utils.CGIImportMixin This is inherited by Template objects, and provides the method, .cgiImport method (section ).

Cheetah.Utils.Misc A catch-all module for small functions.
UseOrRaise(thing, errmsg='') Raise 'thing' if it's a subclass of Exception, otherwise return it. Useful when one argument does double duty as a default value or an exception to throw. Contribyted by Mike Orr.

checkKeywords(dic, legalKeywords, what='argument' Verifies the dictionary does not contain any keys not listed in 'legalKeywords'. If it does, raise TypeError. Useful for checking the keyword arguments to a function. Contributed by Mike Orr.

Cheetah.Utils.UploadFileMixin Not implemented yet, but will contain the .uploadFile method (or three methods) to ``safely'' copy a form-uploaded file to a local file, to a searchList variable, or return it. When finished, this will be inherited by Template, allowing all templates to do this. If you want this feature, read the docstring in the source and let us know on the mailing list what you'd like this method to do. Contributed by Mike Orr.

Cheetah.Utils.VerifyType Functions to verify the type of a user-supplied function argument. Contributed by Mike Orr.
