Cheetah: The Python-Powered Template Engine

By Tavis Rudd, Mike Orr and Ian Bicking


2004-02-02 MO: Corrections contributed by J.J. Behrens.


Tavis Rudd is a freelance consultant. Mike Orr does web application development at a publishing company. Ian Bicking is a freelance web developer.


Cheetah is a Python-powered template engine and code generator. It has many potential uses -- generating SQL, SGML, LaTeX, PostScript, form emails, etc. -- but its principle use is for web developers as an alternative to ASP, JSP, PHP and PSP. Cheetah integrates tightly with Webware for Python, but is also well suited for use as a standalone tool. The current version is available at, along with a Users' Guide. Cheetah is distributed under a BSD-like license.

This paper introduces Cheetah and examines its influences, design principles, and implementation. It also highlights the unique features that distinguish it from other template engines.


templates, code generators, web development, Webware for Python, servlets, parsers

Introduction and Design Influences

Cheetah is a template engine and code generator that grew out of the 'Webware for Python' project [1]. In April 2001, Webware developers could write servlets using only pure Python code or Python Server Pages (PSP) [2]. Neither facilitated the rapid creation of the large HTML templates for dynamic web applications. Vanilla Python is not tailored for extended string interpolation, nor should it be. PSP is well suited for throwing together a quick page or two, but tends to degrade into a tangled mess of spaghetti code when used in larger projects. It's also more verbose than necessary and is hard to explain to non-programmers.

Several Webware developers decided to address this situation and started a discussion about porting or developing a template system that made it easy to access any Python data structure and manage control flow from within text documents. As we were fleeing spaghetti code, we felt that being able to separate the interface from the application code was essential. It should work well with any text-based output, not just HTML. Builtin output caching would be nice. In the name of maintainability, we wanted to be able to inherit and extend one template from another. Most importantly, the basic syntax and concepts needed to be simple and consistent enough for non-programmers to understand, while being flexible enough to give programmers the full expressive power of Python. Our wishlist was long!

Over the following months, we closely examined many template systems with radically different approaches: Zope's DTML and Zope Page Templates [3], Alex Martelli's Yet Another Python Templating Utility (YAPTU) [4], Ka-ping Yee's string interpolation module (itpl) [5], Quixote's Python Template Language [6], Velocity [7] and WebMacro [8] from Java, Smarty [9] and PHPLib's Template class [10] from PHP, and the Template Toolkit from Perl [11]. Much later, we also looked at Skunkweb's STML [12].

We were tempted by Zope Page Templates (ZPT) because it seemed to work well for teams that had designers working with WYSIWYG tools. However, we decided against a ZPT-like design for several reasons. First, we wanted a generalized system that worked with any form of text output, not just HTML. A recent discussion on Advogato [13] highlighted our other concerns:

[ZPT] seems like a good idea, but it has a number of serious problems. The biggest problem is that it assumes that the static structure of a web page is in any way similar to how that web page is going to look when displayed dynamically. However, most large web sites use the notion of "components" - that is, re-usable fragments of dynamic HTML which are assembled to form a complete page. ...

What I have experienced is that HTML pages for industrial-strength web sites like Amazon's is [sic] made up of a myriad of dynamically generated elements - there is very little static structure to the page at all. Thus, it is only useful to preview the dynamic elements. Previewing the static structure of the page is not in the least bit helpful, and merely serves to make the artists' job harder by distracting them with "dummy" content that makes the template more verbose. ...

The WYSIWYG paradigm I believe involves two basic assumptions:

However, in a highly dynamic system, it really isn't possible to visually present any more than a snapshot of the dynamic system at any given moment. In a highly dynamic system, you really do want to expose to the designer the abstract mechanisms behind the facade - because those abstract elements are what defines the dynamics. It means that the designer has to think abstractly, and must operate on that level instead of the level of superficial appearances. ---- Talin (quoted with permission)

Code kept in HTML attributes is largely inaccessible to the user -- they can't see it, they won't know if they've deleted it, and they'll have a really hard time putting it in. [The designers] are capable of doing some programming -- the most simple and most common case is simply indicating where certain values should go (like username, status message, etc). In fact, one of ZPT's big detractions, in my mind, is just how difficult it is just to do that simple insertion (username, if I remember correctly).

One of the great things about WYSIWYG editors is that they are entirely concrete. Now it's not possible to make a dynamic page entirely concrete, but it is nice to at least make the logic visible.

And, of course, ZPT is connected to HTML and XML. But just about every significant application will also have to produce CSS, Javascript, and email messages. Maybe this is part of the transition you've already made from XML to HTML, and eventually to plain text. It's a significant problem, but a solvable one. In the same way, by putting in a non-HTML-attribute syntax, you can potentially make ZPT more concrete. I don't want to seem too negative -- there are some really good parts to ZPT, particularly when changing IMG SRC value, which will piss off the WYSIWYG editor badly in most other systems. ---- Ian Bicking

Furthermore, ZPT assumes a clear division of roles between the programmer and the designer. We preferred a system with a generalized core that could adapt to uses and work flow patterns that weren't anticipated a priori. Our conclusion was that if we ever needed the WYSIWYG abilities of ZPT, we'd build an extra layer to provide it.

None of the existing systems was a perfect match, so we began work on several competing modules that blended what we considered the best features in the existing systems. Cheetah's predecessor, TemplateServer, was one of these modules. It began as a simple regex-based tool, vaguely resembling YAPTU. As we examined the syntax and design philosophies used in other systems, and as its author slowly learned how to build a parser, TemplateServer evolved and gradually gained general support among the Webware developers. In June 2001, we retired the name TemplateServer in favor of Cheetah.

Early on, we abandoned the pointy-bracket syntax of PSP and other many other systems because the tags are invisible in browsers when something goes wrong, are too verbose, and in general work poorly with GUI tools. Instead, we adopted the basic syntax of Velocity: $'s for interpolation placeholders and #'s for directives.

Velocity also strongly influenced our perspective on syntax and complexity. Initially, several of us argued that Cheetah's syntax should be purposefully restricted, in order to prevent developers from doing complex processing in Cheetah. We'd seen the mess that DTML had become, so our maxim was "Cheetah for the simple tasks, Python for the complex". It soon became clear that this stance was unnecessary and would artificially limit Cheetah's usefulness. DTML had failed because of its confusing, inconsistent syntax and the many hoops one had to jump through to access plain Python, not because it had given template writers powerful constructs to work with. Velocity, on the other hand, was succeeding because it had a coherent syntax that was expressive enough to handle most aspects of an application's interface without requiring constant switches back to Java. Cheetah users were complaining about being forced back into Python to handle complex tasks that were still related to the interface, so we decided to make most of Python's language constructs directly accessible from Cheetah. Where Python has for ..., Cheetah has #for ..., and so on.

As a result, Cheetah's syntax became larger, but not necessarily more complex. The original core is still easy for non-programmers to learn and use. And, as most Cheetah language constructs are exact mirrors of Python contructs, prefaced with a # or $, someone with Python experience won't have much re-learning to do. Cheetah's object-orientation and error handling are semantically identical to Python's. See the Syntax Overview section below for more information.

Cheetah's original implementation translated templates into function definitions, evaluated them and then dynamically bound the resulting function as a method of a Template object, much like the cached subroutines used by Perl's Template Toolkit. This approach was flawed. Subtle tricks were needed for the inheritance features to work and we were constantly running into conceptual brick walls and ambiguities. Templates could be extended and reused, but via our own black magic system rather than via Python's standard inheritance structures. It also led to high initialization costs and painful debugging. Webware's implementation of PSP gave us the idea to compile templates into pure Python classes / modules. Most of Cheetah's early problems were resolved by this decision and most of its current strengths and unique features are a direct result of it.

Syntax Overview

Cheetah has two types of tags: placeholders and directives. Placeholder tags begin with a dollar sign ($varName) and are similar to data fields in a form letter or the %(key)s fields Python's % operator uses. An alternate syntax (${varName}) may be used to prevent ambiguity about where the placeholder ends. Directive tags begin with a hash character (#) and are used for comments, loops, conditional blocks, includes, and all other features.

Inside directive tags, Cheetah uses a Python-like syntax and understands any valid Python expression. The main differences from pure Python syntax are 1) all variable names are prefaced with a dollar sign ($), 2) colons (:) are not used to mark the beginning of a code block, and 3) indentation is not significant. Instead of using indentation, Cheetah uses #end [if | for | try | etc.]. Most of the directive tags are direct mirrors of Python statements.

Cheetah also supports two PSP style tags as escapes to pure Python code. These are not part of Cheetah's core syntax, but are included to facilitate migration from PSP-style markup languages to Cheetah. These tags may not be used inside of other Cheetah tags, and vice versa.

  1. evalute expression and print the output: <%= ...%>
  2. execute code and discard output: <% ...%>

Cheetah's Language Constructs

The following is a basic categorization of Cheetah's language constructs. A detailed explanation is provided in the Users' Guide.

  1. Comments and documentation strings
    1. ## single line
    2. #* multi line *#

  2. Generation, caching and filtering of output
    1. plain text
    2. output from simple expressions: $placeholders
    3. output from more complex expressions: #echo
    4. gobble the end of line: #slurp
    5. parsed template file includes: #include
    6. raw file includes: #include raw
    7. verbatim output of Cheetah code: #raw ...#end raw
    8. cached placeholders: $*var, $*<interval>*var
    9. cached regions: #cache ...#end cache
    10. set the output filter: #filter ...

  3. Function/method calling without outputting the return value: #silent

  4. Importing other modules and from other modules: #import, #from

  5. Inheritance
    1. set the base classes to inherit from: #extends
    2. set the name of the main method to implement: #implements

  6. Compile-time declaration
    1. define class attributes: #attr ...
    2. define class methods: #def ...#end def
    3. #block provides a simplified interface to #def
    4. define class 'settings': #settings ...#end settings using the builtin SettingsManager API

  7. Run-time assignment
    1. local vars: #set ...
    2. global vars: #set global ...

  8. Flow control
    1. #if ...#else ...#else if (aka #elif) ...#end if
    2. #for ...#end for
    3. #while ...#end while
    4. #break
    5. #continue
    6. #pass
    7. #stop

  9. error/exception handling
    1. #assert
    2. #raise
    3. #try ...#except ...#else ... #end try and #finally
    4. #errorCatcher: a debugging tool that sets a default exception catcher/handler for exceptions raised by $placeholder calls.

  10. Instructions to the parser/compiler
    1. #breakpoint
    2. #compiler-settings ...#end compiler-settings

How Cheetah Works

The heart of Cheetah is the Template class in the Cheetah.Template module. It serves two purposes. First, its constructor method accepts a source string or file (filename or file object) and compiles the source into a Python class. Second, it is used as the base class for the generated classes. Template subclasses Webware's HTTPServlet class when it is available. Thus, the generated classes can be used as Webware servlets or as standalone utilities.

Generated template classes can either be used immediately or written to a Python module file for future use. In the former case, the methods and attributes of the generated class are dynamically added to the instance of Template that did the compiling. They are available as soon as compilation is complete. In the latter case, Cheetah will wrap the generated class definition in some boilerplate code to produce a complete module definition.

The file Example.tmpl contains the following source code:

#attr adj = "trivial"
This is a $adj example

This can processed using the python interactive interpreter:

>>> from Cheetah.Template import Template
>>> template = Template(file='Example.tmpl')
>>> print template
This is a trivial example
>>> print template       # and again
This is a trivial example
>>> print  template.generatedClassCode()
# ... the source code of the generated Python class (see the Appendix for examples)
>>> print  template.generatedModuleCode()
# ... the source code of the generated Python module

Cheetah source files (.tmpl) can also be processed in a variety of ways using the command line:

tavis@lucy: ~ > cheetah-compile -h
Cheetah 0.9.9b1 command-line compiler by Tavis Rudd and Ian Bicking

Compiles Cheetah files (.tmpl) into Webware servlet modules (.py)


  -R                          Recurse subdirectories
  -p                          Print generated Python code to stdout
  -w                          Write output of template to *.html
  -v                          Be verbose

tavis@lucy: ~ > cheetah-compile -p Example.tmpl | python
This is a trivial example

tavis@lucy: ~ > ls  Example.*
tavis@lucy: ~ > cheetah-compile example.tmpl
tavis@lucy: ~ > ls  Example.*

tavis@lucy: ~ > python
This is a trivial example

The Python modules that are generated from templates come with a command-line interface themselves:

tavis@lucy: ~ > export adj=commandline
tavis@lucy: ~ > python --env
This is a commandline example

All of Cheetah's command line interfaces accept input via pipes and can be chained together with other tools, as demonstrated by this contrived example:

echo "My computer's name is $HOST" | cheetah-compile - | python - --env

In highly simplified pseudo-code, works something like this:

from Cheetah.Template import Template
class Example(Template):
    adj = "trivial"

    def respond(self, trans=None, # trans is a Webware 'transaction' object
        This is the main method generated by Cheetah

        if not trans:   # i.e. if run without Webware
            trans = DummyTransaction()
            dummyTrans = True
        write = trans.response().write  # used to stream output

        ## START - generated method body

        write('This is a ')
        write(str(self.adj)) # generated from '$adj' at line, col (2, 11).
        write(' example')

        ## END - generated method body

        if dummyTrans:
            return trans.response().getvalue()
            return ""

    adj = "trivial"
    __str__ = respond
## if run from command line:
if __name__ == '__main__':

Webware servlets use the respond() method to respond to incoming requests. It is also the core method of a Cheetah generated class. If, or any other Cheetah generated module, is placed in a Webware servlet directory it will be loaded like any other Webware servlet module.

For convenience, Cheetah makes the __str__ method an alias to respond(). Thus, print myTemplateObj or print Template(sourceString) will print the output of the template.

Getting Data Into Cheetah Templates

There are numerous options for getting data into Cheetah templates so formatted output can be generated from it. These options are identical to those available in normal Python: importing from modules, querying databases, using mixin classes, etc. The Cheetah Users' Guide contains examples.

What Makes Cheetah Unique?

Object-Oriented Documents

As described above, Cheetah templates are class definitions. Whereas other template systems use the concept of blocks to define regions of a template that can be overridden and customized, Cheetah uses methods, attributes and inheritance:

#attr anAttrib = "An attribute of the template class"

#def myMethod1
the first method
#end def

#def myMethod2
the second method
#end def

Here's $anAttrib 
Here's $myMethod1
Here's $myMethod2

Methods can have arguments:

#def myMethod($arg1='foo', $arg2='bar')
This is arg1: $arg1
This is arg2: $arg2
#end def

Cheetah also provides the #block directive as a simple wrapper around the #def directive. It allows a method to be defined and used in place.

#block myMethod
This is a method defined and used in place.
#end block

is semantically identical to:

#def myMethod
This is a method defined and used in place.
#end def

NameMapper Variable Access

One of our core aims with Cheetah was to make it easy for non-programmers to use. To achieve this aim, we created a simplified syntax for mapping variable names in Cheetah to values in Python. It's known as the NameMapper syntax and makes it possible for non-programmers to use Cheetah without knowing (a) what the difference is between an object and a dictionary, (b) what functions and methods are, and (c) what 'self' is. NameMapper syntax is used for all variables in Cheetah placeholders and directives.

Consider this scenario:

You've been hired as a consultant to design and implement a customer information system. You create a class that has a 'customers' method that returns a dictionary of all the customer objects. Each customer object has an 'address' method that returns the a dictionary with information about the customer's address. The designers working for your client want to use information from your system on the client's website and they want to maintain the display code themselves.

Using PSP, the display code for the website might look something like the following:

  <%= self.customer()[ID].address()['city'] %>   (42 chars)

Without understanding objects, methods, and dictionaries the designers must rely on rote memory to know where to put the parentheses, brackets and quotation marks. NameMapper syntax insulates them from this complexity and is forgiving with the small syntactical subtleties that PSP would gag on. All of the following variations are valid with NameMapper:

   $self.customers()[$ID].address()['city']       (39 chars)
   $customers[$ID]                   (27 chars)                     

NameMapper may initially scare those who have experienced the quirks of Zope's acquisition and DTML. If desired, it can be turned off using the 'useNameMapper' setting. However, we have yet to find a case where this is needed, as plain Python syntax is compatible with NameMapper.

Cheetah comes with two implementations of the module that implements NameMapper syntax: one in C and the other in Python. The C version is up to 6 times faster. It's still slightly slower than standard Python syntax, but the speed difference is neglible in real world scenarios. Cheetah uses the optimized C version if it has been compiled, and automatically falls back to the Python version if not.

Completely Configurable Syntax

We made the potentially controversial decision to allow users to use any delimeters in place of the standard $ and #. The delimeters for comments are also configurable. This is a safety valve for situations we didn't anticipate, where the standard delimiters are just too impractical. We wanted something that is flexible enough to handle unanticipated situations in the future. In particular, configurable delimiters allow for the dynamic creation of tutorials, program listings, or even source code listings of other languages that use $ for special purposes. For example, preprocessing of LaTeX source files is one area that we have a strong interest in.

People often raise concerns that this might lead to conflicts between templates configured to use different delimiters. This is not a problem, as each Cheetah template is individually compiled to pure Python code. Thus, such changes are localized to a single file. A template with one set of delimiters can safely subclass or even include a template that uses another set. A very unique feature of Cheetah is that these delimiters can be changed for an entire template file, or just a particular portion of a template.

Powerful Output Caching Framework

Cheetah can cache the output from individual $placeholder tags or from entire regions of Cheetah source code. Caches can static or linked to a refresh-timer.

The syntax for using the caching framework is incredibly simple. To cache a placeholder statically, use $*varName. To cache a placeholder with a refresh-timer, use $*5m*varName (or $*5m*{varName}). Times may be specified in fractional numbers and with various interval suffixes ('s' for seconds, 'h' for hours, 'd' for days, 'w' for weeks). Thus, $*0.5d*varName means cache for half a day. To cache a region, use the #cache directive. Cached regions can be given an id, which can be used to programmatically refresh a region. Cached regions can also be invalidated according to user-specified test conditions.

#cache id='sidebar', test=$isDBUpdated
## do something
#end cache

#cache id='sidebar', test=($isDBUpdated or $someOtherCondition)
## do something
#end cache

The #cache directive is currently undergoing some extensions. Proposed extensions would allow caching according to a query-string parameter (varyByParam='ID'), the browser type (varyByBrowser).

Tight Integration with Webware, While Being Separable

Cheetah integrates tightly with the Webware servlet model, but can also be used as a standalone tool or as part of other systems. For, example every template processed with Cheetah has a builtin command line interface for use with shell scripts.

Current Status

As of this writing (December 2001), Cheetah is beta software, although it is already being used in several production applications. The existing syntax and semantics are stable, but there are some additions to come. Version 1.0 will be released "when it's ready". We're hoping that will be early 2002, but we would rather "do it right" than "do it hastily". Our goals are robustness, scalability, and applicability to a wide variety of situations.

Future Directions

WYSIWYG Editor Integration

While effort has been made to make Cheetah friendly with WYSIWYG systems, the test of actual use has yet to be made. In particular, WYSIWYG editors generally demand to make valid HTML documents, and that can conflict with Cheetah as it conflicts with many template systems. The most difficult problem is a case like:

#for $row in $values
#end for

Anything between <table> and <tr> is generally invalid, and WYSIWYG editors will rearrange these pieces.

More Documentation

Cheetah currently has a 60 page Users' Guide (see the Cheetah home page) and a collaborative Wiki. A Beginners' Guide, and a Developers' Guide are planned. The wiki site is home to an Examples Cookbook describing various usage strategies

Code and Template Libraries

Cheetah comes "batteries included" with a library of templates, functions and other objects you can use in your own programs. Some of these were contributed by users. We are very interested in building up this library.


Like its namesake, Cheetah is fast, flexible and powerful. If you're a Python programmer looking for a templating system that is Pythonic, consider Cheetah. If you like Webware because of its modular nature, you'll like Cheetah. If you require a division of labor between the application programmers and designers (who may not know how to program), Cheetah is a good match.


Chuck Esterbrook provided the original inspiration for Cheetah and has been an active contributor throughout the project.

We'd also like to thank the following people for contributing valuable advice, code and encouragement: Geoff Talvola, Jeff Johnson, Graham Dumpleton, Clark C. Evans, Craig Kattner, Franz Geiger, Tom Schwaller, Rober Kuzelj, Jay Love, Terrel Shumway, Sasa Zivkov, Arkaitz Bitorika, Jeremiah Bellomy, Baruch Even, Paul Boddie, Stephan Diehl, Chui Tey, and Geir Magnusson.

The Velocity and WebMacro projects provided inspiration and design ideas. Cheetah has benefitted from the creativity and energy of their developers.


Detailed Example

The following template is part of Cheetah's standard library:

A Skeleton HTML page template, that provides basic structure and utility methods. *#
#from Cheetah.Templates._SkeletonPage import _SkeletonPage
#extends _SkeletonPage
#implements respond
#settings python
title = 'Skeleton Page Template'
siteDomainName = ''
siteCopyrightName = 'Tavis Rudd'
siteCredits = 'Designed & Implemented by Tavis Rudd'
metaTags = {'HTTP_EQUIV':{'keywords':'Cheetah,'},
            'NAME':{'generator':'Cheetah: The Python-Powered Template Engine'}
bodyTagAttribs = {'text':'black'}
#end settings
#cache id='header'
<!-- This document was autogenerated by Cheetah. Don't edit it directly!

Copyright $currentYr - $siteCopyrightName - All Rights Reserved.
Feel free to copy any javascript or html you like on this site,
provided you remove all links and/or references to $siteDomainName
However, please do not copy any content or images without permission.



#block writeHeadTag
#end block writeHeadTag

#end cache


#block writeBody
This skeleton page has no flesh. Its body needs to be implemented.
#end block writeBody


This is its corresponding Python module:

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""A Skeleton HTML page template, that provides basic structure and utility methods.

Autogenerated by CHEETAH: The Python-Powered Template Engine
 Generation time: Mon Dec  3 23:42:34 2001
   Source file: SkeletonPage.tmpl
   Source file last modified: Wed Oct 10 17:17:10 2001

__CHEETAH_genTime__ = 'Mon Dec  3 23:42:34 2001'
__CHEETAH_src__ = 'SkeletonPage.tmpl'
__CHEETAH_version__ = '0.9.9a7'


import sys
import os
import os.path
from os.path import getmtime, exists
import time
import types
from Cheetah.Template import Template
from Cheetah.DummyTransaction import DummyTransaction
from Cheetah.NameMapper import NotFound, valueForName, valueFromSearchList
import Cheetah.Filters as Filters
import Cheetah.ErrorCatchers as ErrorCatchers
from Cheetah.Templates._SkeletonPage import _SkeletonPage


True = (1==1)
False = (1==0)


class SkeletonPage(_SkeletonPage):

    Autogenerated by CHEETAH: The Python-Powered Template Engine


    def __init__(self, *args, **KWs):


        _SkeletonPage.__init__(self, *args, **KWs)
        self._filePath = 'SkeletonPage.tmpl'
        self._fileMtime = 1002759430
        self.updateSettingsFromPySrcStr('''title = 'Skeleton Page Template'
siteDomainName = ''
siteCopyrightName = 'Tavis Rudd'
siteCredits = 'Designed & Implemented by Tavis Rudd'
metaTags = {'HTTP_EQUIV':{'keywords':'Cheetah,'},
            'NAME':{'generator':'Cheetah: The Python-Powered Template Engine'}
bodyTagAttribs = {'text':'black'}

    def writeHeadTag(self,

        Generated from #block writeHeadTag at line, col (34, 1).

        if not trans:
            trans = DummyTransaction()
            dummyTrans = True
        write = trans.response().write
        SL = self._searchList
        filter = self._currentFilter
        globalSetVars = self._globalSetVars

        ## START - generated method body

        write(filter(VFS(SL,"title",1))) # generated from '$title' at line, col (36, 8).
        write(filter(VFS(SL,"metaTags",1))) # generated from '$metaTags' at line, col (37, 1).
        write(' \n')
        write(filter(VFS(SL,"stylesheetTags",1))) # generated from '$stylesheetTags' at line, col (38, 1).
        write(' \n')
        write(filter(VFS(SL,"javascriptTags",1))) # generated from '$javascriptTags' at line, col (39, 1).

        ## END - generated method body

        if dummyTrans:
            return trans.response().getvalue()
            return ""

    def writeBody(self,

        Generated from #block writeBody at line, col (47, 1).

        if not trans:
            trans = DummyTransaction()
            dummyTrans = True
        write = trans.response().write
        SL = self._searchList
        filter = self._currentFilter
        globalSetVars = self._globalSetVars

        ## START - generated method body

        write('This skeleton page has no flesh. Its body needs to be implemented.\n')

        ## END - generated method body

        if dummyTrans:
            return trans.response().getvalue()
            return ""

    def respond(self,

        This is the main method generated by Cheetah

        if not trans:
            trans = DummyTransaction()
            dummyTrans = True
        write = trans.response().write
        SL = self._searchList
        filter = self._currentFilter
        globalSetVars = self._globalSetVars

        ## START - generated method body

        if exists(self._filePath) and getmtime(self._filePath) > self._fileMtime:
            write(getattr(self, self._mainCheetahMethod)(trans=trans))
            if dummyTrans:
                return trans.response().getvalue()
                return ""
        ## START CACHE REGION: at line, col (19, 1) in the source.
        RECACHE = True
        if not self._cacheData.has_key('63190619'):
            self._cacheIndex['header'] = '63190619'
            RECACHE = False
        if RECACHE:
            orig_trans = trans
            trans = cacheCollector = DummyTransaction()
            write = cacheCollector.response().write
            write(filter(VFS(SL,"docType",1))) # generated from '$docType' at line, col (20, 1).
<!-- This document was autogenerated by Cheetah. Don't edit it directly!

Copyright ''')
            write(filter(VFS(SL,"currentYr",1))) # generated from '$currentYr' at line, col (24, 11).            write(' - ')
            write(filter(VFS(SL,"siteCopyrightName",1))) # generated from '$siteCopyrightName' at line, col (24, 24).
            write(' - All Rights Reserved.\nFeel free to copy any javascript or html you like on this site,\nprovided you remove all links and/or references to ')
            write(filter(VFS(SL,"siteDomainName",1))) # generated from '$siteDomainName' at line, col (26, 52).
However, please do not copy any content or images without permission.

            write(filter(VFS(SL,"siteCredits",1))) # generated from '$siteCredits' at line, col (29, 1).


            write(self.writeHeadTag(trans=trans)) # generated from '#block writeHeadTag' at line, col (34, 1).             write('\n')
            trans = orig_trans
            write = trans.response().write
            self._cacheData['63190619'] = cacheCollector.response().getvalue()
            del cacheCollector

        write(filter(VFS(SL,"bodyTag",1))) # generated from '$bodyTag' at line, col (45, 1).
        write(self.writeBody(trans=trans)) # generated from '#block writeBody' at line, col (47, 1).


        ## END - generated method body

        if dummyTrans:
            return trans.response().getvalue()
            return ""


    __str__ = respond

    _mainCheetahMethod_for_SkeletonPage= 'respond'

# CHEETAH was developed by Tavis Rudd, Chuck Esterbrook, Ian Bicking and Mike Orr;
# with code, advice and input from many other volunteers.
# For more information visit

## if run from command line:
if __name__ == '__main__':


[1] Webware is an application server written in Python. It provides a persistent servlet framework similar to J2EE.

[2] Python Server Pages:

[3] Zope's DTML and ZPT:

[4] Alex Martelli's YAPTU (Yet Another Python Templating Utility):

[5] Ka-ping Yee's itpl module:

[6] CNRI's Quixote and Python Template Language:

[7] Velocity:

[8] WebMacro:

[9] Smarty:

[10] PHPlib:

[11] Perl's Template Toolkit:

[12] Skunkweb:

[13] Discussion about Zope Page Templates on Advogato: